Angela Erickson

Administrative Team
Portland, OR

Email Angela

  • Joined MNW in 2023

What I do at MNW

I have the opportunity to connect with each piece of the MNW puzzle. I work behind the scenes to support staff, learners, and our community events.

Commitment to ABAR/JEDI Work

I commit to ABAR by educating myself about bias and racism and reflecting on my own biases. I take action by speaking out against prejudice and discrimination, supporting organizations that promote equity and inclusion, and seeking out diverse perspectives. I engage in ongoing dialogue with others, being willing to learn and share my experiences, and having difficult conversations. By committing to these practices, I am an ally in the fight against bias and racism and helping promote a more just and equitable society.

What I like about MNW
The access and equity for learners. Each learner is given unwavering support in their education.

Cats or Dogs
Both and possums!

A Hobby
I love anything involving yarn or fabric. Specifically, plastic canvas, cross-stitching, and sewing on my Hello Kitty machine.

Surprising Skill
I may or may not have attended a week-long knot-making camp. I like to channel my skills into macrame.

Coast or Mountains
While I’d like to say mountains I am just not coordinated/athletic enough to truly enjoy it. I love the Oregon coast - my favorite park being Ecola State Park.

Favorite Food
Vegan Hamburger Pizza from Rudy’s

Favorite Destination
Dalí Theater and Museum in Figueres, Spain.