AMI 3-6 Trainer in Training
Portland, OR

  • M.A., International Peace and Conflict Resolution

  • M.A., Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development

  • B.A., Foreign Studies

  • AMI 3-6 Diploma, Navadisha Montessori Institute, Chennai, India

  • Worked as a Montessori guide for 11 years

  • Worked as Director of Admissions and Lead Office Administrator for 1 year

  • Lead a Japanese performing art organization for 4 years

What I do at MNW
I was recently accepted into the Training of the Trainer program. As a first year trainee, I'll be attending the classes and learning the basics of the training program under Sarah's guidance.

What I like about MNW
Everyone I have met at MNW is welcoming, compassionate and dedicated to Montessori work.

Coast or Mountains
Mountains! I was a member of a mountain climbing club during my college in Japan. I climbed many popular mountains (but not Mt. Fuji). I love the smell of the soil and plants, and the chirping of the birds.

In My Free Time
I like gardening, woodworking, making jewelry with beads, crocheting/knitting, singing and dancing.

Fact or Fiction
Both. I like historical fiction.

Favorite Destination
Nagoya (my hometown in Japan) and Chennai (my husband's hometown in India)

Favorite Time of Day
Dusk, especially when the sky is filled with changing colors of orange and red.


Kaori Suzuki is originally from Nagoya, Japan, and her path to early childhood education was shaped by her pursuit of peace-building work. After completing her master's degree in International Peace and Conflict Resolution, she worked as a mediator and dialogue facilitator in Bangalore, India. During this time, she began to recognize the limitations of adult-focused approaches to creating a more peaceful future.

Her interest in Montessori education began when she attended the 26th International Montessori Congress in Chennai, India. Inspired by Montessori's vision of education as a path to peace, she enrolled in the AMI Primary training at Navadisha Montessori Institute in Chennai, completing her diploma in 2010. Since then, she has dedicated herself to Montessori education, working first in India and later in Japanese-English dual immersion environments in California, gaining experience in both teaching and administration. She brings her unique background in peace studies and cross-cultural experience to her work with children.