Discovering the Wonders of Reading

A Guide to Choosing and Caring for Books From a Montessori Perspective for Children from Birth to Age Three

Books are not just words on a page. They are an experience waiting to be discovered. As you hold a book, you hold a world of imagination, knowledge, and inspiration. But, it's not just about reading. We must also care for our books, as they are precious treasures to be cherished. As models for our children, we must teach them how to properly handle books. Show them how to hold a book carefully and turn the pages gently. Let's treat our books with respect; in return, they will provide us with endless hours of joy.

To keep our books in pristine condition, it's best to store them on a bookshelf. This keeps them safe from damage and adds a touch of elegance to any room. For children, a mat or table can be used as a reading area, where they can enjoy their books comfortably.

When it comes to choosing books, especially for children aged 0-3, it's crucial to select those with realistic concepts that help build their understanding of the world around them. Books with brightly colored illustrations are perfect for catching their attention and stimulating their imagination. Avoid books with scary or confusing plots and animals doing human things, as these can distort a child's perception of reality.

To make sure children are engaged with the content, repeat reading good books many times. When choosing books for the first plane of development, consider the A to I criteria. Look for illustrations with isolated single-item pictures, simple compositions, or complicated pictures with several situations. For words, isolated nouns or verbs, 2-3 words of description, and short complete sentences are ideal. Storylines should be one page, one situation, or a loose storyline that helps build their understanding of the narrative.

Remember, books are not just a source of entertainment, but a pathway to knowledge and enlightenment. As the link to the books, we have the power to ignite the flame of curiosity in our children, to encourage them to explore and discover the wonders of the world through reading.

– Elise Arevalo, AMI 0-3 Trainer


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